General Medicine
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General Medicine Specialist, Gastroenterology & Hepatology . . . .
Acute & General medicine, Adult General Medicine, Acute & Chronic Heart failure, Kidney Disease . . . .
Epping, Tecoma, Box Hill, Monbulk, Epping
General Physician, Diagnostic Dilemma, Complex General medical conditions, Chronic conditions including Chronic Kidney Disease . . . .
Mt Waverley, Officer
Preventive Cardiology & Heart failure, heart failure, assessment & management of intermediate & high risk groups for coronary artery disease . . . .
Ringwood East, Cranbourne
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), Cognitive Assessment & Memory, Falls & Balance Clinic, Geriatric Assessment for Driving & Visa, Complex Medical & Geriatric Care, Frailty & Nutrition . . . .
Ringwood East, Cranbourne
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), Cognitive Assessment & Memory, Falls & Balance Clinic, Geriatric Assessment for Driving & Visa . . . .
Ringwood East, Cranbourne
Highton, Waurn Ponds, Geelong
specialist in palliative medicine. She completed her specialist training in general medicine via the MRCP (UK) pathway . . . .
Deakin, Bega
Renal Medicine, Dialysis, Renal Transplantation, General Medicine . . . .
Ringwood East
Physician, Consultant Geriatrician . . . .
kidney specialist, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, urinary abnormalities. . . .
Phillip, Braddon
Consultant Nephrologist General Medicine and Obstetric medicine . . . .
Ringwood East, Cranbourne
Acute Cognitive Service (Delirium & Dementia), General & Acute Care of Elderly, Perioperative Care & Ortho Geriatric Care, Aged Care Assessment (ACAS), Rehabilitation, Palliative Care . . . .
Niddrie, Coburg
Geriatrician, Cognitive Disorders, Dementia Diagnosis, BPSD Management, Falls, Polypharmacy . . . .