Mohs Micrographic Surgery
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Mohs Micrographic Surgery - for basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and rarer skin cancers, facial melanoma in-situ (including lentigo maligna), Skin cancer surgery . . . .
Urgent Appointments Available
Dr Tasman Lipscombe is a Specialist Dermatologist & Mohs Surgeon . . . .
Mohs Micrographic, Skin Cancer Surgery, Minimally Invasive Skin Cancer Techniques . . . .
Elsternwick, Mt Waverley
Urgent Appointments Available
Areas of Special Interest Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Skin Cancer Surgery, Cosmetic & Laser Dermatology, Acne & Rosacea . . .
Malvern, Essendon, Glenelg
Urgent Appointments Available
Quality Dermatology, Surgery and Laser delivered by Dr Adam Sheridan, the trusted leader in the field. State of the art facilities . . .
Ashwood, Hawthorn East
Practitioners: Dermatologists with advanced training in Treatment of BCCs, SCCs, Melanoma and other Malignant Skin Cancers, particularly Facial, Head and Neck Skin Cancers.
Hunters Hill
South Yarra