Varicose Veins
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St Leonards,
Vascular, Endovascular and transplant surgeon, management of aortic, peripheral & visceral arterial aneurysms . . . .
Rozelle, Greenwich, Kingswood, Parramatta, Epping
occlusive arterial disease, aneurysms, chronic lower limb ulcers & diabetic feet, advanced or cosmetic venous disease & varicose veins. . . . .
St Leonards, Wahroonga, Frenchs Forest
Urgent Appointments Available
Minimally Invasive Endovascular & Open Surgical Management of Aortic Pathology, Endovascular & Hybrid Management of Complex Peripheral Vascular Disease. . . .
Wollongong, Gregory Hills, Orange
Vascular surgeon, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Arterial aneurysms, Varicose Veins & spider veins . . . .